Reclaim your Power & Live your joyful Truth!

Transform Your Life in Six Months: Start Where You Are, Today!

Do you ever feel like your constantly on everyone else’s time table,  but your own needs get pushed aside? Are you tired of the cycle of judgment & self-criticism, leaving you feeling unseen, unheard and exhausted?  You’re not alone.  Many women struggle with these feelings, longing to be the vibrant, confident version of themselves they know exists deep down.

Here’s the good news: You have the power to break free & create a life filled with joy, purpose & self love.  I’m Janine, a certified life coach with a passion for empowering women like you to navigate life’s seasons of change and growth. 

You see, approaching 50 was a pivotal time in my life. Outwardly, I appeared happy. Internally, I was struggling and trying to find the joy in each day. I knew that I wanted to feed my soul and surround myself with what makes me happy.

Let’s work together, to:

Break free from the “prove yourself” trap. You are worthy & deserving, just as you are.
Shift from self-criticism to self-compassion. Learn to love & accept yourself, flaws & all.
Set healthy boundaries & prioritise your well-being.
You can’t pour from an empty cup!
Unleash your inner strength & tap into your unique strengths.  See yourself in a whole new light and own your worth.

My coaching approach is all about YOU. I’ll guide you through a personalised journey of self-discovery, helping you overcome limiting beliefs & develop practical strategies to achieve your goals.

I know first hand how transformative change can be.  Just like you, I’ve experienced pivotal moments in life that forced me to re-evaluate my priorities. Through my own journey, I discovered the power of prioritising myself and embracing my authentic self.

Ready to explore how coaching can transform your life? Visit my contact page to request the application form and take the first step towards your dream life.


“Just as nature transforms through its seasons, so too do we. Let us embrace each phase, learn from its lessons, and blossom anew.”


When I’m not empowering women through coaching, you’ll find me curled up with a captivating book.

When I’m not lost in a good book, you’ll likely find me – walking, doing yin yoga, or working out to my favorite tunes. Music is my happy place, and I love creating playlists that uplift my spirit.

I believe in fostering a healthy balance – fueling my mind, body, and spirit.  At heart, I’m a creative soul who finds joy in the simple things. I love expressing myself through various artistic outlets, like making soul collages, building with Lego.

I’m also fascinated by exploring the world through different lenses, including astrology and Human Design, which I believe offer valuable insights into self-understanding and personal growth (without being overly esoteric).

I live in Wellington, New Zealand with my husband, Mike and our cat Bubbles.

Writing has been a passion of mine since I was young, and it’s still a big part of my life today. You’ll often find me with a pen in hand, whether I’m writing morning pages, crafting to-do lists, or documenting my health and wellness journey. I’m a lifelong learner and always investing in my personal development.

Embrace change. Embrace growth. Embrace you.


Janine x

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